AMSTERDAM Appelletje De Hipperzweter De Teleraaf God, Nederland & Oranje Image Inept Nix Pro '67 Provo Provo (2) Rabarber Welstaat
REST OF THE NETHERLANDS Barst Boeh Bril Degeneratie De Wekker Desperado Dingetje Drovo Gnot Kejje Nagaan Le Fou Luca Lynx - Maastricht Lynx - The Hague Mare Mep - Leiden Mink Mot Nep Nieuwe Generatie Nieuwe Stad N.O. Ontbijt op Bed OOpi Pet Piranha Por Provo 2000 Provoke Provo / NAVO Bulletin PsSsT Revoluutsie Scandal Tinnev Universet Volte Vraagteken (?) Wij Witte Bezem BELGIUM Anar Bok Bom Bravo Daele Den Uil Eindelijk Enklave Happening News Het Mep - Denderleeuw Meptijding Nul Protest Provo Special Revo Revo (French) Revo Nouvelle Série Yang GERMANY Peng ITALY Il Ribelle No Mondo Beat Pensiero Provo cazione Provo capellone Provo - Milan Provos Roma Provo 1 SWEDEN ProVie Skit USA New York Provo
Provo - The Underground Tab
De Hipperzweter
May 1963-?
? issues
De Hipperzweter - Orgaan voor toegepaste verborgen verleiding (The Hipperzweter - Publication for applied hidden persuasion); According to Robert Jasper Grootveld, the word Hipperzweter was
deduced from Hidden Persuader a term he got from Bart Huges, who in turn got it from an American book published in 1957 "The hidden persuaders", by Vance Packard about modern advertisement techniques and the temptations of the consumption society
and contributor: Robert Jasper Grootveld
Each issue, hectographed in a very limited number, consists of one page
The pamphlets displayed here, which do not carry the name "Hipperzweter", are included because they are very similar to the ones that do carry the name
Warning .... teer; Het Marihoe departement (Warning .. tar; The Marihu department)
Content not very clear as the text is hardly readable
May 11, 1963
27.4 x 21.4 cm |
Waarom kijkt u zo somber (Why are you looking so sad)
On drugs available at the pharmacist
1963 (?)
32.8 x 21.5 cm |
Het ingrijpen van de Justitie in het VeldhoenrotaprentenplanF3 (The intervention of the Justice department in the Veldhoen rotaprint plan F3)
Call for a meeting to discuss the confiscation of erotic rotaprints made by Aat Veldhoen; These prints were sold at the Spui square in Amsterdam by Robert Jasper Grootveld and Aat Veldhoen
July 1963 (?)
27.5 x 21.5 cm |
Vaderdag & het Rokertje (Father's day & the cigaret) Only buy your smoking goods for father's day at the trustworthy smoke shop
May 1963
33.9 x 21.5 cm |
Ook nog aan de sigaaret? (Still smooking?)
May 1964
27.4 x 21.5 cm |
Herhaald verzoek aan de pers om te komen tot een weigering van alle rookadvertenties (Repeated request to the press to come to a ban of all advertisements for smoking)
May 1964
27.1 x 21.1 cm |
De eeredienst
aan de verslaafde konsument van morgen (Worship to tomorrow's addicted consumer)
by Yoshio Nakajima
March 13, 1965
32.9 x 21.4 cm |
For peace in Vietnam Jasper Grootveld (Provo) and Simon Vinkenoog (author) will compete in a run from American Traveler Cheques at Damrak to Hilton Hotel at Minervalaan on January 7, 1967 See also: Pamphlet Vietnam January 7, 1967
January 6, 1967
33.0 x 21.4 cm |
Bram bram Brom alweer een CO kolom (Bram bram Brom another CO column) Hectographed
Waarom not neem toch gnot (Why not take pleasure) Hectographed
Marie ... Wat? Marie ... Waar? Marihu!! (Marie ... What? Marie ... Where? Marihu!!!) Hectographed